Painted Subfloor is Acceptable

In both of our houses, the Master Bedrooms had pet stains that were  left by previous owners. This caused our pets to mark those same spots. To stop this behavior, we found a couple solutions. Once we removed the offending carpet and sealed the subfloors upstairs with Binz to seal the pet odors forever. We couldn’t afford to recarpet yet. So we did the next best thing. We just picked a color of paint we had a lot extra of and threw it on the floor.





FIrst we levelled the floor a bit and sealed cracks with wood putty, then just painted. We kept the room like this for some time as it was a creative space, almost a art studio feel. When we could afford it, we of course did finish the floor (more on that later). But it worked great in the meantime. The sub floor wood chip pattern worked to break up the color of the paint and gave a carpet-type look. It does soak up a lot of paint, so you might want to hit it with a primer first.

Gratuitous texture closeup:

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