My Humble Telescope Case

scopeIncase1You can find them for as high as $600 for a hard-shell case or for a soft-shell case, about $300. We’ve had a set of luggage my mother gave us like 10 years ago and I repurposed the largest one to carry my OTA (telescope tube). It’s dimensions were perfect. 13″deep x 18″wide x 28″ tall. I went to a craft store and got some 1.5″ foam, wrapped it in a circle and smushed it into the bag. Then I cut off the excess which left me with enough to do a top and bottom and a sliver to set on the face of the tube after I lay it in there.


I did have to carefully cut a slot and hole in the top piece of foam to make a pathway for the focuser knob on the scope. This is the only thing I really worry about with this setup.




To make it look nicer and more finished, I got about 3 yards of shiny-satiny black soft fabric that I thought would be good to use and stuffed it along all the edges of the foam. I made sure to form the fabric into  the slot and hole for the focuser knob. I don’t want that snagging or to have any weight on it at all. There’s no sewing involved, simply tuck in about 1 foot of material around every edge, leaving a long extra piece hanging out the bottom.


Once the tube is set in place, bring this excess fabric up, fold in the sliver of left-over foam and set it on top of the OTA. Then zip up and you are ready to go. The bag has plenty of storage for accessories, although I do not keep my lenses in this bag.


I would like to get a hard-shell case for it, but with the types of luggage available, the hard shell is very thin and I worry that it won’t hold up over time, but something like this looks a little more beefy. I’ve been looking at Ross and TJ Maxx when I happen to go to those stores, but nothing there seems to be big enough.


My Introduction to Astrophotography

I’ve been interested in astonomy my whole life, and a few years back, I got a second-hand Meade LX-10 telescope. This is a 8″ diameter scope… definitely not a toy. It is great for planetary viewing and can even track the planets as the Earth turns. I have used it from time to time to try to take some pictures of celestial objects, but not very good ones. Astrophotography is a growing interest of mine now and I found the learning curve quite steep. I’m throwing together everything I’ve learned over the past couple of years including links to software and such into a few posts. There are multiple steps involved in this project and it took me a long time, working here and there and amongst about 1000 other projects, to finally get everything together for this.

To take amazing amateur astrophotography images you need to decide whether you want to look at deep space objects (DSO) like galaxies or nebulae, or if you want to focus on planetary viewing (within our own solar system). You don’t really want to zoom very much if you want DSO images because zooming narrows your field of view and most DSOs you want to get are very dim so you don’t want to zoom in to make their light spread out across your eye or camera sensor too much, you want bright pictures. You can take some amazingly cool pictures with just a DSLR and a “barn door” tracker. (This is just a device that rotates counter to the Earth’s rotation so your camera will continue pointing at the same object for minutes or hours at a time, meaning it moves a full 360 degrees in 24 hours).

In my case, I want to do a little of both planetary and DSO. So I have my LX-10 telescope, which has an 8″ diameter mirror, meaning it can collect a lot of light, and it has a tracker so I can point a camera at one point in the sky as long as I want. However, unless you perfectly align the scope with true celestial north, the scope will still drift a bit over the night. This is because it is an open control system. You just point it at a star, turn it on and hope you aligned it well when you started. The best images are taken with closed-loop control systems. That is, they continuously look to see if it is drifting off target, then takes actions to move back on target when needed. This guy has my telescope and has taken some amazing pictures of planets, sunspots, and DSOs. Some are mindlbowingly good!  To be fair, he’s using some reducer lenses like this one to change his F-stop to make it much quicker (for example F/3.75 and F/4.6 in some images), oh and he’s using a 4x Powermate lens  a lot which costs as much as I spent on my entire telescope… But what is great about his site is that he tells all the settings he used for the images. This is similar to Reddit’s astrophotography subreddit.

My scope is what they call “slow,” “long,” or “dark.” This refers to the F-stop number. This is also called the focal ratio or relative aperture. It is a ratio of the len’s focal length and the diameter of the scope. THe focal length of my telescope is 2000mm. And the aperture is 8″ or 203mm. The F-stop of this would be about 2000mm / 200mm = 10. So this means my scope is a F/10 lens. The higher the f-stop number is, the darker the image will be (all other things being equal) when compared to a lens with a smaller f-stop number. For example an F/4 is considered a pretty “fast” telescope. My F/10 number basically means that to take a nice bright picture of Jupiter for instance, I need to play with the “sensitivity” or ISO number of the camera sensor (used to be film) as well as the duration I leave the shutter open on the camera.

You might say, “Well I can just crank up the sensitivity then. Higher sensitivity will make the image come out brighter, right?” The answer is yes and no. You can raise the sensitivity, but then a lot of other things (such as heat) can trigger a pixel to register a value in a digital camera. This will increase the noise in the image, making it staticy.

You might then think “Ok, the other option is to just open the shutter for a long time, exposing the camera sensor to more light over a longer time period.” yeah… not really. This can work as well, however you will increase the overall light pollution in your images and worse, you risk blurring the image. Since the Earth keeps on spinning, objects in a fixed telescope’s field of view move. Without tracking perfectly, long exposures will be blurred.

Even if you can fix all that, there’s blurring you simply cannot fix. This is due to heat inversion in the air column between you and the object you are viewing. The Hubble space telescope was designed to fix this problem… by simply being above all the air on earth orbiting in a pretty high orbital plane (at the farthest reach that the space shuttles could fly). Air at different temperatures has different densities. This acts like a prism to bend the shape of a beam of light. Look at a straw or pencil in a glass of water. Notice how it looks like it’s broken in half at the interface of the water and the air? That’s an example of the different densities acting like a prism. Since air is, well, air… it is gaseous and mixes and moves around a lot. It is in constant motion (unlike the water in your glass compared to the air sitting on top of it.) Hot air rises and cool air falls, making all sorts of weird prism effects in our viewfinder. In the column of air between you and the top of the atmosphere where Hubble is, there’s also a lot of dust. The dust as well as the temperature inversions is what makes starts look like they are twinkling.

Side note: Planets don’t twinkle in the sky when viewed by eye. This is because a star is so far away, you are only seeing it as a point light. This makes it easy for dust or temperature inversion to affect your view of it. But planets are much closer, and their light is spread slightly wider across the retina in your eye. This means there much less of a chance that a mote of dust will block it, or temperature inversion will guide the light too far from your retina.

So how do you fix the problem of having a dark image from the telescope without getting errors from too high of a sensitivity setting or blurring from too long an exposure and temperature inversions? You can thank Woz for the home computer! Using a laptop, I’m going to connect a closed-loop control system to my computer to track the objects I want to image very closely, reducing blur of long exposure images. I’m also going to take multiple images of the same object, then do a process called “stacking” where a computer algorithm will take the sharpest views of different parts of the planet, for instance, and stitch them together into a composite image that is overall much sharper. Then I’ll be able to do some image processing on the composite image to get some great results. Stay tuned for more posts on this theme!

Making it Easier to Donate Money Directly to NASA

Currently, NASA allows or direct donations  however, as you can see in the next link, it is complicated to figure out to whom make the check out and mail to.

I think we should campaign to get NASA listed on a great site called allows everyday people to donate directly to United States government agencies. One example is to help pay down the national debt. <via NPR>

By making it easier for citizens to donate to NASA, we won’t raise enough funds for a mission to Mars, but even if a conservative estimate of 1% of working Americans (134.8 million people according to wolfram alpha)  donate just 10 each, we would have we would have 134,800,000 * 1% * $10 = $13.48 million dollars. That’s not a lot compared to the cost of a space mission, but it is a small help to a struggling agency that should be the jewel in the crown of America. NASA has generated a good return for investment in the past and there is no question that investment in science and technology helps strengthen our nation’s economy and morale which is needed in this time of economic uncertainty.

Moreover, an investment in NASA is an investment in the future of our nation in terms of future engineers and scientists. NASA has achieved some of the greatest feats ever accomplished in the history of mankind. Landing men on the moon, as well as increasing our understanding of our place in the universe with missions like the Mars rovers, a multitude of space telescopes, and planetary probes have all served as inspiration for people who strive to be the best the world has to offer.  They are inspired to pursue man’s long passion for exploration and curiosity.

NASA has helped develop technologies that improve and even save lives every day such as MRI machines, and many other fantastic technologies. This neat site lists a new innovation from NASA every time you refresh the page. NASA has a positive impact on the world as a whole. It should be funded as such.

Lets get NASA listed on, not because it is easy, but because it is worth the effort! The way to do it is to get this post seen by someone who knows someone in charge at NASA who can suggest it to them.

Related links:

Neil DeGrasse Tyson in

Measuring Return on Investment of Government Programs

Catching the Transit of Venus

So what is a transit anyway? A transit is when an object like an interior planet (one closer to the sun than the Earth) crosses in front of the sun that is visible to the Earth. This is one of the ways we can spot planets around other stars too. If we can watch the star long enough, we might see a dip in the star’s intensity, which might mean a planet got between us and that star. In fact, by looking at the different wavelengths of light we receive during one of these dips of intensity, we can determine the components of the atmosphere of that planet! Science is amazing right!?


Anyway, back to the phenomena at hand; the transit of Venus…

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