Come see us at the World Maker Faire at the New York Hall of Science in New York this weekend (September 25th and 26th, 2010). We are super excited to attend this maker extravaganza!
BugFest 2010
For the sixth year, SheekGeek attended the annual Bugfest held at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Science in Raleigh, NC. We had a lot of fun at our booth “Robotic Bugs”. The crowd was non-stop and it felt like the busiest BugFest to date. I even ate a chocolate covered mealworm! We extend a huge thank you to our friends for helping us run our booth. Thanks guys!
DIY Wall Vinyl Decal Tree
Adam sent me a stumble of a DIY vinyl wall art project on Instructables by Britsteiner. Immediately I was inspired by her project and went to work. Her Instructables project used contact paper and after a quick trip to Lowe’s and the local dollar store I decided contact paper would not work for my project. I wanted specific colors – brown and green – that I could not find as contact paper. I wanted to make a tree.
How to make Animated GIFs (of your Brain Scan)
I recently had an MRI and wanted to make an animated GIF out of the images. I found a couple of great little programs that made this task a breeze.
Rocketry Of Central Carolinas – Rocket Launch Awesomeness
The Rocketry of Central Carolina (ROCC) hosts rocket launches using their rocket pad for rockets from 1/4 A motor size all the way up to gigantic K size motors. Adam and I have gone several times just to watch the launches, and a few times Adam has launched his own rockets. I much prefer this to the times he used the car battery to launch a few homemade rockets at our home. Watching rocket launches is free and a small donation is recommended if you use the ROCC launchpad. See some of our ROCC adventures after the jump.